Welcome to PM Wells Charter Academy!
PM Wells Charter Academy offers classes in grades K-8. The student body is a diverse population serving students in the Kissimmee area. Applications are now being accepted for students in all grades. PM Wells Charter Academy follows the Osceola County School Progression Plan for both elementary and middle school.

Bring Your Journey, to PM Wells Charter Academy!
Accelerating Education, Together

The Osceola County business community and the School District came together in 1985 to form a partnership designed to bolster the efforts of schools in creating quality education. This partnership produced The Education Foundation.
The initial mission of the Foundation included providing mini-grants to teachers for innovative classroom programs and supporting district efforts to recruit quality educators. The Foundation embarked on an additional effort in 1992. That year, the District’s strategic plan called for the establishment of a scholarship fund, which would guarantee the first year of college tuition for every graduating senior in Osceola County.
Today, the Foundation is a solid, non-profit organization led by a 40-member board of directors. The board is made up of parents, corporate executives, community leaders, and elected officials. This board has increased the programs of the Foundation to serve educators and district staff in their efforts to give Osceola County’s students the best education possible.
Our Charter Schools offer additional student stations to support our school district, with a K-8 environment where student success is a priority.
Founded in 2010, National Academic Educational Partners, Inc. (NAEP), a minority-owned business, has earned widespread acclaim in the field of education for delivering tailored solutions. Our expertise spans various areas, including Charter Management, Educational Management, Leadership Development, Teacher Support, Curriculum, Assessment Practices, School Transformation and Cultural Responsiveness Training. Notably, NAEP is committed to ensuring that schools and school districts nationwide are effective by design, not by chance.
With a philosophy rooted in providing actionable educational solutions, NAEP has become one of the nation’s fastest-growing and preferred educational solution firms. NAEP’s services are built on the latest research-based and field-proven educational support strategies, incorporating initiatives like Mass Insight’s “Turnaround Challenge” and Bambrick-Santoyo’s work in Leverage Leadership.
The unique combination of a passion for educational reform and deep practitioner experience distinguishes NAEP as a partner that not only understands the challenges but also provides timely solutions. Our mission is to offer high-quality, effective, sustainable, and data-driven solutions to teachers, educational leaders, Governing Board members and other stakeholders in the educational system. In pursuit of equal learning opportunities for all students, NAEP stands as a dedicated force for positive change in education.

We Want YOU to be our next Panther!

Hello world!
Today was the last day of kindergarten for these kiddos! We wish them a great last day!!! (This is just a test. NOT real.) Lorem Ipsum…