Our Programs (Curriculum)
Eureka Mathematics Squared (Grades K – 5th):
Mathematics plays a crucial role in our daily lives, and to ensure proficiency, we use Eureka Math Squared by Great Minds as our curriculum for math instruction in grades K – 5th. Eureka Math Squared is widely used nationwide, and teachers can access the Eureka Digital Suite for assessment, collaborative planning and lesson preparation. Students have access to physical copies of their Eureka Math Squared textbooks.
Reveal Mathematics (Grades 6th – 8th):
The principles of Reveal Math™ derive from the latest research on how students learn best—through productive struggle, rich tasks, and mathematical discourse. Reveal Math empowers educators to uncover the mathematician in every middle school student through powerful explorations, rich technology, and timely and insightful differentiation opportunities. The unique approach of Reveal Math ensures students don’t just meet the standards, they master them.
Carnegie Learning Mathematics (High School Math Courses):
For certain mathematics courses, such as Algebra I and Geometry, we employ Carnegie Learning as our curriculum source. Carnegie Learning is a research proven, blended learning solution that combines collaborative and independent learning for Algebra I and Geometry.
Wit & Wisdom English Language Arts/Reading (Grades K – 5th):
Our Tier I instructional program for English Language Arts/Reading uses Wit & Wisdom by Great Minds. This comprehensive program engages students with rich and thought-provoking texts, fostering a deep understanding of liberal arts and sciences. Wit & Wisdom integrates daily reading of complex texts, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, and vocabulary study, preparing students to meet state standards and become lifelong learners.
MyPerspectives English Language Arts for (Grades 6th – 8th):
MyPerspectives is the components of our core curriculum for grades 6th – 8th, helping students develop critical thinking, close reading, and writing skills across various genres. Students engage with various texts throughout the program, including poetry, novels, plays, nonfiction narratives, speeches, and films. They learn to write essays, personal narratives, argumentative texts, and research papers. Close Reading and Writing Workshops, in addition to the Write Score program are also used to enhance reading and writing skills.
Write Score (Grades 3rd – 8th):
In grades 3th – 8th, students will utilize Write Score to help in the Florida Writing State Assessment. Write Score uses an analytical approach to writing; teachers can determine the areas where their students need additional help and provide differentiated instruction to optimize student growth. With data-driven classroom instruction, teachers can effectively use classroom time and resources to achieve their educational goals. Write Score has successfully developed reading and writing products that:
- Align with state standards.
- Analyze a student’s ability to apply knowledge in a performance task.
- Recognize the constraints of real-world school budgets.
- Provide the most relevant information needed by administrators and teachers.
- Provide a quick turnaround time for scoring papers and returning relevant data.
Istation Digital Instruction and Universal Screener Program (Grades K – 5th):
As part of our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS), we utilize Istation for reading and math instruction in grades K – 5th as the Universal Screener. Istation serves as a digital intervention for reading, math and dual language in grades K – 5th, providing valuable diagnostic assessments on a monthly basis. The results guide us in grouping students for enrichment or support, and our instructional coaches collaborate with teachers to interpret the data and appropriately group students.
Lexia Reading (Digital Reading Intervention Program Grades K – 8th):
We utilize the Lexia digital reading instruction program for students receiving the reading intervention. With a focus on literacy, Lexia confidently supports learners in developing reading, writing, and speaking skills. Through structured literacy solutions and professional learning, Lexia helps students progress in their literacy journey.
Reading Plus (Grades 6th – 8th):
In grades 6th – 8th, students utilize Reading Plus as part of their ELA/Reading classes. Reading Plus is a Tier I digital instruction reading program that supports students’ nonfiction reading skills through differentiated online instruction. Teachers use the program with the entire class, tailoring assignments to each student’s reading level.
Khan Academy (Grades 3rd – 8th):
In grades 6th – 8th, Khan Academy serves a huge role in their Math and Science classes. Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. Khan Academy focuses on skill mastery to help learners establish strong foundations, so there’s no limit to what they can learn next!
These instructional programs contribute to our comprehensive approach to education, ensuring that students receive high-quality instruction and support across various subjects.
Accessing the Digital Softwares
CLEVER Student Instructional Program Sign-In Process:
As an advanced educational institution in the 21st century, our school utilizes Clever, a “Single Sign On” (SSO) program to streamline the sign-in process for students across various instructional and curricular programs. Through Clever, students can access their respective programs using a single username and password. To sign in to Clever from the student’s assigned iPad or any other device, please follow these steps:
Visit clever.com.
- Locate “P M Wells Charter Academy” (note the space between “P” and “M”).
- Select “Login with Clever.”
- The type in url: clever.com/in/naep-school-network
- Students should use their Student ID for both the Username and Password fields.
- Open the icon of the program you wish to use.
Nita M. Lowey 2st Century Community Learning Centers

The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) initiative is the only federally funded source dedicated exclusively to out-of-school-time programs. Our program supports student participants in meeting the state’s rigorous academic standards. Funded programs are designed to align with state and school goals and specifically assist targeted students in their school school-day learning objectives.The Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers build and sustain comprehensive out-of-school-time programs that provide high-quality academic and personal enrichment opportunities for students.These programs meaningfully engage adult family members in helping their children succeed academically.
For more information and eligibility criteria, please contact our Site Director Ms. Suyleka Lopez [email protected]
2023-2024 Program Period:
August 24, 2023 – May 23, 2024
2023-2024 Program Hours:
Monday 3:05pm – 6:05pm
Tuesday- Friday 4:05pm – 6:05pm
2024 Program: More information coming soon!